Healing 101: Aligning With Your Higher Self Step 5


Step 5: Feng Shui Vision Boarding

One thing that unites us all is our desire to be happier, more content, laugh more often, have a greater impact on the world, and do more satisfying work. You may be happy and have things pretty well figured out but know there is something greater you should be doing. This six-step process aims to align you with your higher calling. Here are the six steps:

Step 1: Look Inside Your Mind

Step 2: Clear the Muck

Step 3: Discover the treasures

Step 4: Define the Perfect future

Step 5: Create a Feng Shui Vision Board with Power Intentions

Step 6: Take inspired Action

Previously, we spent time getting to know ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses. We cleared some limitations. We talked about the importance of setting GPS coordinates for your life. In Step 4: Defining the Perfect Future, you identified “must haves” in nine areas of your life and created intentions based on those requirements. Now, we are going to put these intentions on a board, along with imagery, to give it physical form, thus even more power.

Feng Shui Bagua

Feng Shui is the Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. It is the art of placement and flow practiced by many Asian cultures. Traditionally it is used to design spaces that have proper flow of energy to increase abundance and well-being. In our vision boarding exercise we use the feng shui tool of the bagua (translated from Chinese, bagua literally means “8 areas”) to arrange our images and intentions in a proper flow to maximize abundance, health and happiness.

The bagua is one of the main tools used in feng shui to analyze the energy of any given space, be it home, office, garden or, in our case, a vision board. Basically, the bagua is the feng shui energy map that shows you which areas of your home, office, vision board are connected to specific areas of your life—the most important areas of one’s life, the areas that matter the most for one’s health and happiness. Below you will see these specific target areas, arranged according to the classical bagua map, along with the corresponding color associated with each area.

feng shui bagua map

How do we apply these feng shui principles to creating a vision board? We place our intention and visual representation in the corresponding boxes. With power intentions, inspiring images, and proper feng shui flow, we will create a vision board that tells The Universe where we want to go in our lives.

Word and Action

First, there is the word (intention) and then, action (first steps). A person must first have the thought and define the desire using words and then, start moving in the direction of the desire. With our vision boarding, we are giving WORD to the desire. Then, we will take inspired action in Step 6.

Now, we want to take a look at the intentions you created in Step 4 and make sure they are stated in the positive, as though you are thanking the universe for already having them. We will use these power intentions to create a super charged vision board. Our goal here is create a visual representation of your future, with power intentions, ideal images and perfect feng shui arrangement. This document/vision board will serve as a hard copy of the target you have in your mind of where you want your life to go, your GPS coordinates.

Power Intentions Based on Must-Haves

You have answered the following ten (10) questions in Step 4:

  1. What are the “must haves” in my life’s work?
  2. What are my “must haves” in a friendship & helpful people (colleagues, coworkers, neighbors)?
  3. What are my “must haves” in travel?
  4. What are my “must haves” in a self-expression (creativity and children)?
  5. What are my “must haves” in a loving relationship?
  6. What are my “must haves” in the area of reputation and fame?
  7. What are my “must haves” in abundance/wealth/prosperity?
  8. What are my “must haves” in health and happiness?
  9. What are my “must haves” in growth and development?
  10. What are my core values? (center)

Once you have these parameters or “must haves”, create statements of intention, thanking The Universe for having them already. Add in an element of “or something better,” or “I am thankful for opportunities greater than I can imagine.” Here is my most recent feng shui vision board. You can see that I use a lot of words to create my intentions.

feng shui vision board examplePower Intention Wording

Creating power intentions is not always easy. You want to use only positive words or phrases like, “I am living in abundance,” rather than “I am debt-free.” Here are some examples of good power intentions based on common desires:

“I am in a loving relationship with someone who adores me. We bring out the best in one another. He/She is even better than what I imagined for myself.”

“I am blessed with great abundance that enables me to be limitless. I support many causes due to my great wealth.”

“I travel easily and frequently to exotic places for work and pleasure.”

“I am respect, supported and loved by my friends and coworkers. We enrich each others lives, really listen to one another and make life fun.”

I use “we” whenever I can, because my husband would never create a vision board and I want him to be included in the abundance and happiness. Of course, he has his own path to experience and I can only affect that which has to do directly with me. Make sense? Inclusion is always best.

Make it Physical

Once you have your power intentions, arrange them according to the above matrix. I traditionally use a Microsoft Word or an Excel table to create mine. They are easily manipulable when you need to change your board. Include a photo that you grab from your photo file or on the Internet to clearly represent your intention. Make sure the images are happy, positive ones.

Print this vision board in color and post it in a prominent place, carry it with you, look at it often. Or put it away somewhere safe and trust that The Universe will provide. It is fun to look at it to see what has come about. Remember, you can change this often. In fact, what you want in life changes as you move through it.

Have fun with this. I would love to see it. Please share in the comments below or email me a copy at becky@beckyprater.com. Also, if you need me to help you with wording, send it to me and I will give you feedback. To move to Step 6: Inspired Action Plan, click here.
