Healing 101: Aligning with Your Higher Self Step 4

Step 4: Define the Future

If you have been reading through these steps you know that we are on a six-step process of healing our body, mind and spirit, aligning with your higher self. We have taken a look inward to identify the good, the bad and the ugly of our mind and thoughts. Then, we have done activities that have helped clear some limitations. Now, we are ready to move forward with a lighter sense of self and clearer idea of who we are. Below you will find links to the other steps if you want to access them:

Step 1: Look Inside Your Mind

Step 2: Clear the Muck

Step 3: Discover the treasures

Step 4: Define the Perfect future

Step 5: Create a Feng Shui Vision Board with Power Intentions

Step 6: Take inspired Action

Input GPS Coordinates

If we have a place to go these days we input the address in our phone’s GPS, Waze or Google Maps and hit go. We are greeted with step-by-step instructions on how to get there—one step at a time. Then, we trust the system. What is great about Waze is that it often takes us down less traveled roads in order to avoid traffic and speed up the trip. I love that.

Where we go in life requires the same intentional direction. Giving definition to where we are going is the best and quickest way to get there. Not defining the future and taking it as it comes, is what my father calls, “doing the possum trot,” meandering to and fro eventually getting there (where ever there is.) There is nothing wrong with the possum trot. We are often led to amazing places when we least expect it.

Some of us feel like we have somewhere important to go or something big to do, so we need to walk in a straighter line with purpose and intention. We need to input the coordinates and get started on the journey. We are on a mission and need to get moving.

So, what are life coordinates? I believe they are the “must haves” that you want from your partner, career, family, friends, experiences.

  • I want to have a family with a loving husband and two children.

  • I want to have a full career where I make six figures doing something I love.

  • I want to travel to awesome places for work and pleasure.

  • I want a partner who is gorgeous and makes a lot of money.

What Happened When I Did Not Have Coordinates

You may have heard this story before. When I was dating I tended to accept boyfriends that reached out to me or picked me, rather than me setting out to date someone that fit certain requirements. I did not have any set parameters, In fact, I was focused on college, not so much on finding the right guy. Consequently, I was attracting guys that liked me because I always had money and liked to go on adventures. The reason I had lots of money in college is because I had to pay my own way and had three jobs in which to do so. Over and over I had to pay for our dates. Then, I was raped by a guy who picked me at a bar.

As you might imagine, this was a giant catalyst in my life. From that moment on I vowed never to date someone that I did not choose for myself. I set up three “must haves” for my partner.

  1. He has to pay for everything

  2. He has to open my car door

  3. He has to be as passionate about what he does as I am about what I do.

It took about six months and I went on a date with a guy named Tre. That first date he opened my car door, paid for everything and talked about mechanical engineering as though it is the coolest thing in the world. I knew this was my guy the very first night. We have been married for 30 years. Establishing your “must haves” really works.

Power Wording

The above “I want” statements are sort of what I am talking about. However, let’s phrase it in a way other than “I want. I want. I want.” The “I want” phrasing implies not having and keeps us in the space of lack and wanting. Instead, we will thank God/Source/The Universe for the state of already having it.

As far as the last statement above about the partner who is gorgeous with lots of money . . . there is nothing wrong with this statement. However, neither of those things implies a person who will love you and treat you well. You need to include some sort of parameters of behavior to ensure you are well loved and treated. No one wants an abusive or neglectful situation even if he/she is cute with lots of money.

Rather, let’s reword the statement to be in a space of gratitude for what will be.

  • I am grateful for my loving partner and two children who bring joy into my life.

  • I am blessed with an enriching career where I am well compensated doing something I love that helps people and the planet.

  • I am thrilled to travel to awesome places several times a year for work and pleasure.

  • My partner loves me and is a wonderful provider. He/she adores me as much as or more than I adore him/her. Together we support and bring out the best in each other.

As you can see by the last statement, you can use several sentences to create your intention. The goal is to define it enough without being too specific.

Beyond My Imagination

Let’s take the second point about career. Perhaps you are currently a nurse and your idea is to become head of nursing at the hospital at which you work. No doubt that is a great goal but may take several years to achieve. Meanwhile, you may feel like you are not there and not moving fast enough toward that goal. When in fact, you could say something closer to, “I am blessed to have an enriching nursing career, constantly growing in my impact and responsibility. I am well compensated for what I do and find myself amazed at the opportunities that come my way.”

You never know. The opportunity to do something even greater may come into your path, like taking groups of doctors and nurses to Nepal semiannually to help heal the people of this country who have little access to medicine. Even if we have a healthy imagination, I believe the world is so amazing that there are opportunities to do things we cannot even imagine.

I hold the belief that my future cannot be defined by my limited vision of reality. Therefore, I would add that we include an element that opens our future up to something beyond our imagination and understanding. God/our infinite self/our true self knows our potential and what is in our highest good. Let’s harness the power of The Universe to take us to these beyond-our-imagination places.

It’s Your Turn

Let’s begin by going inward and asking yourself the following ten (10) questions:

What are the “must haves” in my life’s work?

What are my “must haves” in a friendship & helpful people (colleagues, coworkers, neighbors) ?

What are my “must haves” in travel?

What are my “must haves” in a self-expression (creativity and children)?

What are my “must haves” in a loving relationship?

What are my “must haves” in the area of reputation and fame?

What are my “must haves” in abundance/wealth/prosperity?

What are my “must haves” in health and happiness?

What are my “must haves” in growth and development?

What are my core values?

Once you have these parameters or “must haves”, create statements of intention, thanking The Universe for having them already. Add in an element of “or something better,” or “I am thankful for opportunities greater than I can imagine.”

We will use these intentional statements in our vision boarding in Step 5. These are not always easy. You want to use only positive words or phrases like, “I am living in abundance,” rather than “I am debt-free.” If you have trouble coming up with these nine intentions, contact me and I can help. To go to Step 5, click here.
