What is a Soul Signature

Want to listen instead? Click here. Have you ever heard the term “soul signature?” It has come across my awareness a lot lately and I wanted to explain what I know about it. This is the same as your personal…
Want to listen instead? Click here. Have you ever heard the term “soul signature?” It has come across my awareness a lot lately and I wanted to explain what I know about it. This is the same as your personal…
Thank you, Organic Authority, for the beautiful image and article about salt baths, In the Organic Authority article, it states that Epsom salt baths improve circulation, reduce stress and calm muscles. Warm salt baths certainly help me. My intention…
Coming Back To Reality: Spiritual Retreat Integration Recently, I spent a week at Rythmia: Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. It was one of the most transformational events of my life. When I got home I experienced a catastrophe.…
Healing 101: Aligning With Your Higher Self Step 3 Step 3: Identify the Treasures Now that you have done Step 2: Clearing the Muck, The Holding of your issues and emotions and the healing of The Many Yous through…
Healing 101: Aligning with Your Highest Self Introduction and Step 1 Introduction If you are reading this, you know that there is something about you that could be different. You are perfect exactly how you are, where you are…
Need to Slow Down? I believe we all are addicted to being in motion. It is not comfortable to sit quietly. Activity: Turn on your phone timer for 10 minutes. Close your eyes and sit quietly for 10 minutes.…