You Know The Answers


You know the answers deep within. Some times it takes asking for advice to reveal those answers.

If you asked me, “Should I divorce my husband?” or “Should I quit my job” and I said, “Yes, I think you should.” Your insides (heart or stomach) would react and answer the question authentic to YOU. You would either think/feel, “You are right. I have to do this.” Or, you would think/feel, “I just can’t do that.” Truly, you know your own answer. Asking advice merely illuminates what we believe deep down is right for us. Whether the advice is consistent with what our truth is or not, when we hear the advice our body reacts with it or against it—that is the value in asking for advice. There is a physiological reaction in our body that creates a feeling of expansion or contraction to the advice.

Who’s Your Go-To for Advice?

Who do you go to for advice? Most often we ask people who are likely to give us information that feels right and expansive. Then, it appears that we “take their advice.” But what is really happening is that their advice matches what we know is true for us and that feels good, so we do it. It’s like they give us permission to do what we know we need or want to do. You subconsciously ask the person who is mostly likely to give you the answer you are looking for—because you ALREADY know. Isn’t that so amazing. You already know.

Try Meditation

Another way to our authentic answer is meditation, sitting quietly and listening to our internal answer. Ask yourself the question and let your body react with expansion or contraction. Based on the feeling, you know your answer.

To the above “should I leave my husband” or “should I quit my job” questions, if your body reacts with a heaviness and contraction, it might just mean “not quite yet.” There may be some things that have to be worked out first. And that is OK. Love that you need more information and be open to it.

But if you are not there yet, asking others also helps. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are looking outside yourself for the answer. Hearing someone else’s opinion actually helps us discover our own truth.

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I love giving advice . . . to help you discover your own truth. Please contact me if you need help.
