Be Limitless in the New Year

Happy New Year!

Each year at this time we talk about goal setting. Some years back I decided to set an intention or theme for my year, rather than merely setting goals. My original theme was Permission to Receive (you can read about it by clicking the blue link). I put no limitations on it and had no expectations. Initially, I was thinking I was open to receiving love. But because I set no further directives, I began to receive all sorts of things: love, gifts, raffle items, wonderful advice, and new opportunities. I kept that theme for three years. Now, I am very comfortable with receiving and have a solid flow of giving and receiving. That is no longer an issue in my life. After some thought and soul searching, it became evident that I am self imposing limits on my life based on the tapes that play in my head from my expectations, upbringing, and experiences. Not good!


After some intense thought on the subject, I have determined that my theme for the new year is: Limitless!

Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds. – Napoleon Hill

I know that I am the one limiting my success and growth. Fear, expectations, insecurities, doubts, all limit me. I am happy to open myself to new opportunities, the next big thing, new friends, new challenges . . . to be limitless. Join me and let’s see what happens. Please share your limitless experiences on Our FaceBook page.
