Life as a Buffalo

Life as a Buffalo   As a Level 2 QHHT (quantum healing hypnosis) practitioner, it is essential that I receive a session once in a while to help me understand what is happening. Also, it is super interesting to discover my past lives or receive information about my self through...

Importance of the Life Story

  While working through my QHHT Level 2 Certification, I felt it important to receive a session. I had a long list of questions for my higher self, one of which was about the importance or necessity of the initial interview. It felt like it was re-traumatizing to some of...

We Create the Songs We Love

In ceremony, I experience myself channeling codes and celestial energy for the songs and books I've loved throughout my life. I feel an orb of energy move through me that is sent back to John Denver, Abba, Erasure, Malcolm Gladwell, Stephen King, and Neville Goddard. Weird. It has taken several...

beautiful pool

What Matters Most

Very few things universally matter to all people. Everything wants to matter. You determine what matters to you. The concept of what matters most is subjective and varies from person to person. Each individual determines their own priorities and what they believe to be important. In order to achieve a...

A New Perspective on Wearing Masks

A New Perspective on Wearing Masks   To watch the video, click here Last week, I watched my dear friend, Ryhs Lloyd, tell me everything he thought about or knew about the business we are creating together. In fact, by telling me exactly what it looks like in his mind,...

A High Vibe Perspective on Social Distancing

A High Vibe Perspective on Social Distancing   To watch the video, click here. What if social distancing is the Universe's way of helping us understand how important it is to be in our own energy, to hold it close to our body. And not share it with anyone who...

What is a Soul Signature

Want to listen instead? Click here. Have you ever heard the term “soul signature?” It has come across my awareness a lot lately and I wanted to explain what I know about it. This is the same as your personal vibration. It is unique in all the world. It is...

What Happens When You Die?

Hi, cousin Becky, For my social studies project for school, I had to come up with a big question that will take me on a quest for an answer. My big question is: What does heaven look like? This question came from another question I had, which was: What happens when we...

Do I Really Need This?

Do I Really Need This? Do I really need this information, glass of wine, beer, new dress, thing I am just about to buy? Ask yourself this question and notice your body's reaction. As Americans, we excel at consuming. We have been trained to consume based on Freudian principles. I...

The Alchemization of Form

The alchemization of form is simply the demonstration of realization —Paul Selig.   This is a mouthful. Often, I have to read things many times to unravel the meaning. When I read this, I immediately said, “Dang, this is true.” Based on my recent experiences in ceremony at Rythmia and...

Turn Up Your Inner Light

Turn Up Your Inner Light   I was in meditation using the RIM method and my body brought up strange energy in my arm, I was instructed to pull it out and look at what it was. It was a Japanese star, round-bladed weapon. I described it in my mind...